1. identifier is used to write down notes of animations, actions and anything we find important to make note of
identifier is a visual reference
2. identifier also provides a quick overview of the function structure flow
STRUCTURE: function (e) { javascript before - selector - event (e,ui) - javascript after }
target an object by id (#) or class (.) or element
the full range on selectors is beyond the scope of this manual
for an in depth on selectors simplified see here
•••• var: string
handle | selector
handle | selector will restrict dragging to a specific object , without handle restrict , the whole object is draggable
ie. we have a draggable Layer1 and we want a Shape1 as a bar on top that we want to act as a drag handle
for our draggable Layer1, then we add #wb_Shape1 as our handle | selector
•••• var: string
cancel | selector
cancel | selector will prevent dragging by a specific object
ie. we have a draggable Layer1 and we have an Image1 on it that we want to exclude from executing the drag
then we add #wb_Image1 as our cancel | selector
•••• var: string
axis will make a draggable restrict it's movement to a X (horizontal) or Y (vertical) axis
•••• var: string
containment | selector
containment | selector will restrict dragging to a specified boundary
the boundary can be window or document or parent or object or setting a [x1,y1,x2,y2] position
window, document and parent are level objects, with window being the top level
any object can act as a container for a draggable
we have a draggable Shape1 and we want a Shape2 to restrict it's movement
we add #wb_Shape2 as the selector, Shape2 will now construct the boundary for Shape1
we can also use [x1,y1,x2,y2] as boundary restriction for a draggable, we can set the XY1(start) and XY2(end) position
ie. [0,0,200,200] will restrict movement from top: 0 left: 0 --TO-- top: 200 left: 200
NOTE: when constructed as a variable the X and Y must be dealt with as single items
the variable can not be var myContain = 10,50,200,200 but must be var conX1 = 10 and a second var conY1 = 50 etc
this property is then constructed as containment: [conX1,conY1,conX2,conY2]
•••• var: string ( selector ) | •••• var: non-string ( [x1,y1,x2,y2] - window -document - parent )
cursor | style
set the cursor style during a draggable
•••• var: string
cursor | restrict
cursor | restrict will restrict the position of the cursor on a fixed XY position relative to the draggable
the syntax for setting the XY position is {top:50,left:50}
IMPORTANT: set this property to false if not used
•••• var: non-string
grid makes a draggable snap to a XY grid on drag
NOTE: when constructed as a variable the X and Y must be dealt with as single items
the variable can not be var myGrid = 10,50 but must be var gridX = 5 and a second var gridY = 5
this property is then constructed as grid: gridX,gridY
•••• var: non-string
helper | enable
enable or disable the draggable helper completely, the helper is a visual feedback for the draggable
helper | type
helper | type is the helper object that is shown while dragging, we can either drag the object itself the original, or a clone
dragging a clone will not change the position of the dragged object
•••• var: string
helper | opacity
helper | opacity will set the opacity of the helper while being dragged
•••• var: non-string
helper | z-index
helper | z-index will set the z-index of the helper
•••• var: non-string
iframe fix
iframe fix will prevent an iframe from capturing the dragged (cursor) while moving over an iframe
•••• var: non-string
revert | enable & revert | duration
revert | enable will make a draggable return back to it's position automatically (true or false)
revert is also used in combination with a droppable, the options then are valid or invalid
valid = the draggable revert back outside of the droppable
invalid = the draggable reverts back inside the droppable
revert | duration is the time in milliseconds the object will return back (revert) to it's position
•••• var: non-string | •••• var: string ( valid - invalid )
stack | selector
stack | selector will automatically control the z-index of a draggable, moving it to front in relation to this selector
•••• var: string
stack | z-index
stack | z-index allows to set a z-index for the draggable manual
use it to stack a draggable on top of all content by giving it a high z-index
•••• var: string
scroll enable & scroll sensitivity & scroll speed
scroll enable will allow window scroll on drag (true or false)
scroll sensitivity will start window scroll if the object is in this distance in pixels to the window border
scroll speed is the speed to which the window will scroll (higher is faster, is amount of pixels)
•••• var: non-string
snap | selector
snap | selector will make a draggable snap to surrounding objects
01. a draggable can snap to all other draggable objects, set this property to true to enable that
02. a draggable can also be snapped to specific objects, use a selector to enable that
NOTE: set to false if not used
•••• var: string ( selector ) | •••• var: non-string ( true - false )
snap | mode & snap | tolerance
snap | mode will make a draggable snap to a surrounding object at it's inner, outer or both
snap | tolerance is the distance in pixels, to when the draggable will snap to it's surrounding
•••• var: string ( mode ) | •••• var: non-string ( tolerance )
delay time & delay distance
delay time is the time the draggable will delay in milliseconds before executing the drag action
delay distance is the distance the cursor will move in pixels before executing the drag action
break to body
enable the object(s) to break to the body
use this option to force the object to be on top of ie. a WB page header etc if required - (=if page is centered)
•••• var: non-string
event | start & event | stop & event | drag
with these properties we can add a new function to our object on event
just as the callback function is beyond the scope of this manual, so is this property
for an in depth on callback see here
• fn: start/stop/drag: function (e,ui) { }
ui.helper = current draggable helper (jquery object)
ui.position = current css position of the draggable helper (.left .top)
ui.offset = current offset position of the draggable helper (.left .top)
run on load
run on load enables or disables this module to run on page load
run on call
run on call is the function name we can give this current function
we can call this function to occur ie. by using a callback | function
for an in depth on callback and run on call see here
code modification | variable
add function variable(s) ie. Call_Drag_1(myVariable)
this function is beyond the scope of this manual see here
code modification | javascript | after
add javascript, further enhancing this function by adding custom code
this function is beyond the scope of this manual see here
code modification | javascript | before
add javascript, further enhancing this function by adding custom code
this function is beyond the scope of this manual see here
more info on module | CoreUI draggable see here Overview
more info on module | CoreUI draggable see here Online Tutorials